Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 29: Extraordinary Ordinary

The scary reality is that most marriages sour in less time then we've been married. Eight years today. Eight years of growing and changing and leaping on faith from adventure to adventure.

It hasn't been easy. It has been hard and there have been times when neither of us wanted to do the hard work. But here we are and we've stayed and we've believed that God can take two sinners and bind them together with more than the butterflies in the stomach kind of love. He can bind us with cords unbreakable, His very own yoke of faith, hope and love.

You are my biggest cheerleader. You have never been a fair weather fan. You have believed in me far more than I have believed in myself and have always led me toward a God who is big enough to handle it all. When I have been fearful, you have been brave. When I have run scared, you have stayed strong. I couldn't be more grateful to God for you. 

I wish this wasn't extraordinary, but in a world gone mad and divorce rates rocketed sky high we are the exception even among those with faith in Christ. Our ordinary according to statistics has turned in eight short years into something extraordinary. Our extraordinary is a gift to my heart that keeps giving and giving as the years go on.

Happy Anniversary to my favorite bearded geologist. The man who I count as both my husband and my dearest friend. I am blessed beyond measure.

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