Wednesday, January 15, 2014

An Invitation to Be Real...(in)RL

Back in October, at Allume, I had the white knuckle experience of sitting in front of a camera and sharing a story or two. Yeah, makeup, clapboard thingy, the whole nine. Color me nervous. Talking to a camera is out of my comfort zone despite what the home videos from when I was seven would imply. {Ahem}

There really is only a handful of reasons I would do such a thing. One of those reasons is because I wholeheartedly believe we are designed by our Creator for relationship, women desperately need one another, and the community that we create right where we are has the power to change us and the world.

That is exactly what (in)RL is about.

It is the women's conference that comes to you.

This year we're sharing our stories. Need more convincing? Watch this.

I'll be there. I'm a tad freaked out. My community this past year hasn't been easy. In fact a year ago during (in)RL weekend I watched by myself. This year? I'm daring to believe that God will fill my home with women who have stories and life to share. 

Believe with me, will ya? Go REGISTER NOW!

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