Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Brave Choice {Take 2}

Photo Credit: Claudio.Ar via Compfight cc 

He looks up at me and says it again, the thing that he has said to me a thousand times.

"Just tell me if it is too much. Tell me if something needs to change. You are my first ministry."

He's says it so plainly and I envy his ability to be direct. I'm the girl who chases words down. I hunt them and find that they are all too often elusive in my daily life and relationships.

The words spin out of control in my head and never seem to make it out of my mouth the same way they come out of my pen.

I swallow the fear and push down the words.

I want to tell him that it is all too much. I want to tell him that I want a nice neat life where everything is known and controlled and where he stays put.

This is a story I've shared here before, but I'm beyond happy to be re-telling it for the Velvet Ashes community. It seems only right that I would be re-sharing these words on a week when my husband is away in South America- another reason I am grateful for the Velvet Ashes community. They get it.  The community is growing in beautiful and powerful ways and I sure would love it if you would take a walk over and read the post and look around.

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