Monday, December 2, 2013

Phase 5 of (in)Mercy

You've heard me talk a good bit about the amazing work of Mercy House Kenya. It's no secret around here that I love their heart and their mission. Since September I've been a part of an amazing army of bloggers working together to raise funds to provide for the growing needs of Mercy House...quite literally growing. I mean look at this picture...

In the first  four phases we raised over $28,000!? A van, a new classroom, a computer room and a generator were all parts of those phases that have already been completed and are in use! Read Kristen's update full of photos of what (in)Mercy has already done! 

Ok, now that you've caught your breath from the amazingness that has already been accomplished...

I know this is the season of giving and I'm already asking you to dig into your pockets to support my Dressember craziness to benefit the International Justice Mission, but listen for just one more second. Please hear my heart because it beats loud for the needs of these women and I want them to be heard through it all.

We have the opportunity to bless with our abundance, even if our abundance doesn't look like very much. Phase 5 of (in)Mercy is huge, God-sized some would say, and it will be by His grace that we accomplish this.

Mercy House Kenya needs a second house.

They need another house where women can come for hope, healing, and help. We're not just throwing up four walls. We are throwing up a lighthouse in the dark, a beacon of hope where more women and their babes can come to experience the Gospel and find a hope and a future brighter than they ever dreamed.

Want to help us make this happen? Thought you might. 
Here are a few ways:

Visit DaySpring's website to purchase some fantastic products that support the (in)Mercy project. I have worn the (in)Mercy t-shirt almost every day since I got it.

You can also share about Phase 5 on social media. Go ahead and tweet this!
Let's build a second home for @MercyHouseKenya #inmercy <------ {Click to tweet this}

Head on over to the Pure Charity site and find out how you can use your holiday purchases to fund this project and/or donate directly to the cause. We've got a ways to go, a bit over $43,000 left to fund. God can make mole hill out of a mountain. Let's be a part of what He is doing. 

If my words are falling flat then please take a moment to head over to (in)courage and read sweet Ann's words. They are sure to inspire.

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