Friday, November 22, 2013

5 Minute Friday and The Grove: Fly and Grateful

I'm getting a bit ambitious on Fridays these days. I'm a committed member of the Five Minute Friday crowd but I'm also part of the amazing new Velvet Ashes community. Velvet Ashes has a weekly link-up as a part of "The Grove" meet-up on Fridays that includes a word prompt.

For a few weeks I'm going to combine my 5 minutes on Lisa-Jo's prompt and my post for "The Grove". 

Enjoy the results!

My 5 minutes on "Fly' and this week's prompt from The Grove on "Grateful"

I'm counting down the minutes until he boards a plane and starts his way back to us. I've heard his voice four times in three weeks which is far too little for this girl.

I've enjoyed not having to fight over the remote and eating all veggies {read as "chocolate"} since I don't have to worry about my meat and potato's man, but it all just wears a bit thin and I'd rather have him then anything else, anyone else.

He sends pictures and I can see the joy in his face. I live vicariously through him because I have not ever failed to see the light on the Dark continent.

If you ask him you'll quickly see that he thinks very little of what he does, of his own skills and giftings. He'll shrug and say that it is what he knows and loves and so why not share it by the cup fulls?

I know that the members of the Gospel Springs church are grateful for him. They are grateful that he came and trained them and helped them, but it is myself that I find humbled with thanks.

Grateful that of a million things I could be doing or places I could be on this spinning blue planet that God chose me to cheer him on across the miles. Grateful that he is the brave kind of man who goes where he is unsure to do the hard work of the Gospel. God chose me to be his wife and to post prayers to facebook and to our sad little blog and then to step into my closet and pray the big stuff for my husband, the ministry, our family, our friends in Africa and the world over.

He'll be home on Monday. He'll fly across three continents just to get here and then he'll scoop his girls in his arms and we'll all finally be home.

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