Sunday, October 6, 2013

Extraordinary Ordinary: Day 6

There isn't a photo to go with this.

Only words on a screen because I have come to love words on a screen in a way that I can't fully put into words.

It's the words flung across a screen that God uses to provide an anchor for my heart. Sweet words from friends. Laughter in a tweet. Blogs with truth spoken bold. A text full of prayer. A message with lines and lines of hope.

We can lament the technological age we live in and how it distracts and complicates, but we can also rejoice and use it to the full for good.

These words can touch lives and hearts and produce change. They can fling hope wide. They can remind us that we are not alone in any of it. 

Take our world in which i-everything has become commonplace and use every click, tweet, and post to bless.

These are extraordinary days.

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