Thursday, September 12, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Mercy

Can it be Friday and September already?! No, really, can it be?

Well around these parts on Friday I stretch my writing muscles even farther and write fast and furious for 5 whole minutes! You can too! I believe we all have a story to tell so why not take 5 minutes to write a piece of your story along with an amazing crew of writers?

You can also join a gaggle of us around the proverbial water cooler on Thursday nights for a chat about anything and everything on twitter. Just add #fmfparty to your tweets to find us!

Ok, here goes, my 5 minutes on "Mercy"

When you are queen of the old open-mouth-insert-foot act you can head down a path of fear and loathing that is dark and ugly. I've been struggling with this lately as some big events and opportunities line my horizon.

I feel the lurch in my stomach every time I send an email or stop to analyze a conversation that I just had. Did they hear my heart? Do they even care? Did I only embarrass myself? And the list goes on.

It is this frailty of the human heart, the soul, that I feel in the everyday that keeps me running to the cross. It feels like a hyper awareness of my need for His mercy and grace in the everyday and makes me want to hide.

We've been fooled to think that the way we extend mercy is from the top down. The way that we hand out heaping handfuls of "Come to Jesus" is by reaching down from a lofty place, but the truth is that the gifting of mercy comes from the digging down deep to mine it from the ugly, dark places of our life.

I can give His riches only when I know the poverty of my own soul.

The way I stumble over words and my own two feet is a magnifier of my need of Him and that is the place that I find the rubies hidden. The place that He can mine from the depths of me to touch those in their deepest point of need.

Five Minute Friday

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