Friday, August 2, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Story

I'm a blessed gal. I have an amazing husband, a beautifully wild wee girl and every Friday I gather with a group of the greatest writers I know to tell and re-tell in our own words for five minutes flat the story of it all. Join us and write your own five minute story!

My 5 minutes on "Story"

We read the same five books every day. I've been on a Bear Hunt hundreds of times and I've said Goodnight Moon an even million. She brings them to me one after the other and reaches tiny arms skyward for me to lift and cuddle.

We read stories and God writes our story as mamas.

I knew I'd be a mama someday, but I never knew how that plot line in my story would soar into every crevice of my life. Becoming mama, if you let it, will make you into someone altogether different, almost like a fictional character in your own life. I never imagined that I could feel so utterly at home in my own skin, mothering, but I do.

Don't get me wrong. There are moments when the story line falters and I just want to put the book down and walk away for a bit. The role I'm playing seems mundane and I long for a bit of freedom to go and do untethered.

But this everyday ordinary story that we are writing, that I am writing on her life and that God is writing on my own, is anything but ordinary. It is the stuff of life. The stuff that weaves together to make a life well lived.

I want to mother well and I want when the last page turns for my children to say that I was their favorite story. I want them to say that the lines I wrote on their lives were full of adventure, passion, determination, hope, bravery, and all the things we love about the great characters that fill the shelves.

We write on their lives and they read ours. My story better be a good one.

Five Minute Friday

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