Friday, July 5, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Beautiful

For 5 glorious minutes every Friday a group of us write and we aren't too terribly concerned about getting it right. It is a time to let our hair down, dip our toes in the waters of the written word and quiet the voice in our head.

Join us!

My 5 minutes on "Beautiful"

It is just plain messy. None of it looks beautiful from the outside and most of the time it feels less than beautiful on the inside. All the stress and time spent knees to the ground, sweat browed and worried faced etches lines into my face that will last for years.

Stories of faith are often written in lines on a face.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and we pack our bags for another roadtrip and hope for more. More folks to see our hearts hung out on a line and lace their fingers in our own and walk beside us to spur our hearts on to faith, love and hopeful bravery.

That is the story that God is writing on so many lives that I know. The story of stepping out in bravery and having to trust that God is behind, beside and in front.

Five Minute Friday

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