Friday, June 7, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Fall

This is the story of one woman whose bright idea to write 5 minutes free and fearless spawned a movement of writers who throw caution to the wind and kick punctuation and grammar out the door. This is 5 minute Friday.

This is my 5 minutes on "Fall"

The rain is supposed to come down in sheets today- a tropical storm raking her way across the Southeast United States and wiping us clean of late Spring. Freshly planted gardens will rejoice and freshly finished summer ready children will twist frowns and glare at emptying skies.

There are always two ways to see any situation.

When things fall down we are free to look up. 

When the world seems as if it is coming down in sheets we can still rejoice. Joy is something that we can experience over and over at will. We can choose to re-joy, to rejoice. Joy is a choice that at my worst I slide across the table and through gritted teeth reject with a "No thanks."

Paul told us to rejoice always and when we get tired of the rain spitting in our face and the joy being stolen right out from under our feet...Rejoice again. 

I want joy again and again and again. 

We can't stop rain, but we can choose to dance it, to splash, to take it captive for good in our lives. We can run into it with hands and arms open wide and choose to upturn our faces as the flowers do and soak in the ugly right along with the beautiful.

Five Minute Friday

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