Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dear Weary Mom, Don't Listen to the Lies

Dear Weary Mom,

I busted my finger last week- as in got a hangnail then an infection and next thing you know I have an elephant-man-like finger in the middle of my right hand and I'm stuffing my hand deep into my pocket to avoid scaring small children. In the scope of life a small thing, but somehow it has felt huge and weighty. Somehow this antibiotic requiring infection has blown itself into something that makes me feel less than and incapable.

Do you know what I mean? Have you been there too? 

One minute you are hanging on for dear life making the ends meet as best you can and then the next minute you feel like it just isn't enough. Nothing you do is enough and all you can see are the cracks.

Maybe it is a stomach virus that wipes the floor with you or an argument with the husband that leaves you feeling like a failure and fake. Maybe it is simply words tossed thoughtlessly, a cranky child or a glimpse of dust bunnies under the couch. Whatever it is that sets the snowball of self doubt rolling we all know how quickly it can grow into an avalanche.

You see, we've got an enemy and he prowls around looking for us to mutter words to ourselves that aren't true. He listens for those words and then he whispers them over and over again verbatim into our ear and right down deep into our hearts if we let him. Boy, have I let him.

You're a failure. 
Just give up. 
Your family would be better off without you. 
You are worthless. 

He is the father of lies. The most evil villain there is and he is out to steal joy and hope and it will be stolen if we aren't running toward the truth.

Sister, when you see the cracks, crack open the Word. I know that you won't want too. I know that you'll feel like it won't help someone like you. Lies, again, all lies.

Jesus says that in Him you are enough. You are made perfect, clean and whole and so those dust bunnies, that rebelling teen, that infected finger...Give them all to Him. The one who says, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me..." {MSG} 

You see religion means to be bound up to a set of rules and rituals. We can make a religion out of motherhood and it can nearly choke us to death. Christ calls us forward into grace and freedom. His Word calls us out of our pit of self-loathing.

Can't you hear His whisper now? It is gentle and full of love.

It sings grace for the moment, grace for the little that explodes into the big, grace enough for the weariest mama heart.

{I'm joining up with Hope for the Weary Mom today for their Dear Weary Mom, link-up.}

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