Monday, April 8, 2013

The Move and An Opportunity to Bless

I can't find which end is up right now. This big, brave move that we're about to make seems stuck in slow motion and buried in boxes in need of sorting. Friends, I'm going to be MIA for the next week. Partly because of all the moving business and partly because we're cutting our internet off in a couple of days. All of it is scary- including the internet-less situation.

This is the stuff that this blog is made of. The stuff that God is re-making my fearful heart out of. Fearlessness and faith all rolled into one ball of life and lived out for you to read on the screen.

Thanks for reading and right now if you wouldn't mind would you pray for me? Pray that I can love my family well and that all of this anxiousness would be turned to joy and praise for a God who revels in showing up big for us.In the meantime let me tell you about some amazing friends of ours who are doing some thing big and brave themselves.

The Clarks are a family of six (4 boys including a set of twins!) already and are going to folding into their family a beautiful little girl through the ministry of adoption. They are selling raffle tickets for a chance to win something amazing from Thirty One Gifts! I can't begin to share with you about this family. They work for Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters- a camp ministry that engages teens as well as men and women of all ages to live radical lives of faith for Christ (it is also where me and the husband met and married!)- where they teach students how to share the Gospel and grow in faith through the ministry of service.

It would really bless my socks off and encourage my heart if you would click over and enter the raffle with a $10 donation. This family loves Jesus and your small investment will place this little girl that God already ordained for their family in their home to be wrapped in His loving arms.

Who doesn't want to be a part of that?
Off to do some more packing, sigh...Thanks for every single tweet of encouragement and facebook message along the way!

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