Wednesday, March 27, 2013

(in)motherhood Link-Up: What Every New Mama Should Know

Once a month the bloggin' gals from the (in)courage community group's new mama's group (aka (in)motherhood) join up together to blog about the same topic. This month our topic is "One thing that you think every new mama should know" or if you're a first time mother-to-be "Your biggest question about becoming a mom for the first time". If you're visiting from outside of the (in)motherhood group feel free to join in! We're happy to have you!

Link-up and grab the group's button from the bottom of this post!

At 3:32am on January 9, 2012 I birthed a little girl right out into this beautifully broken world and all the brokenness that was a mama lost got sewn right up with the tear. These babes of ours, the ones that keep us awake from birth and every night after are the most hopeful thing that will ever happen to you.

Every new mama needs to know that becoming a mama will leave no place in your soul untouched. 

Becoming a mama will hurt and the job is anything but easy (don't believe the glossy ads), but it will also make you more whole than you ever knew if you let God work grace in you and through you to it's fullest.

When I lost my mama some of the life in me leaked out. It leaked out love and it left a hole gaping that I had no idea about. I've muddled through life and marriage and found my way as Christ did all the work to make my mama-less half a heart whole. This girl who came into the world super-woman style has been God's means of healing the secret parts I didn't eve know were broken, busted to pieces. A healing that was years in the making, the making of a new mama into a new woman, the making of me more like His Son through my very own daughter. The life that had leaked out was patched up right at the source by her little life and God has been re-making me through this journey of motherhood.

Some of you mamas-to-be are walking stooped under loss, insecurity, and fear. Those struggles won't go away once you are a mama. No, in fact when they place your babe on your bare chest you might feel hollow and helpless. The other thing you need to know is that you can't do this motherhood thing alone and apart from Christ you are hollow and helpless. If you hug close this truth you will embrace motherhood and all its ups and downs that turn us inside out.

Motherhood inducts you into a line of uncountable mothers before and this heritage of motherhood is meant to be shared. Share it with mamas young and old and what you'll find is that you aren't alone. You share the same calling and you share the same struggles and we all do things differently, but we all love the same. Motherhood makes us more alike than different and the more we embrace that the more we will be Christ's hands and feet to each other.

What every mama should know is that motherhood has less to do with raising children and everything to do with making us more like Jesus.

Grab the (in)motherhood button code!
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