Friday, January 18, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Cherished

Every Friday I spread my wings for five minutes of writing bravery. Five minutes without editing, without second guessing, without over-thinking. It is all the more glorious because a whole gaggle of us brave the skies together to write our five minutes. Are you feeling brave? Why not come and join us or at least take to the skies by reading some of our five minute flights of writing fancy?

Topic: Cherished

They are photos nearly as old as I am. A series of pictures snapped one Spring day while relatives gathered on the back deck my dad nailed together with his own hands. We squint into the sun, my brother with arms crossed like a cigar store indian, me, chubby kneed and bald headed. There is a shot with my daddy- all twenty pounds of me bouncing on his knee. Funny how photos can almost be like memories. They can bring to life something our memory long forgot. Something my tiny mind wasn't capable of remembering.

One January day a lifetime later I snap photos of another girl with family gathered close. She flits about in her tutu and eats her birthday cupcake one handed and even though it is winter we sit on our big wooden porch on a Spring-like day and soak in family. She will not remember this. There will one day only be photos of her toothy grin sitting on an old metal porch swing with a beloved aunt and her Mimi so dear.

Her memories are not formed yet and only pictures will one day tell her the story. The story of how she was loved and cherished before she could even remember it.


Five Minute Friday

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica
    This reminds me so of our Pappa God knowing us and cherishing us even before we were born! Thank you.


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