Friday, January 25, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Again

5 minutes to write. 5 minutes to let our writing just be right even if it isn't just right. Skip on over to Lisa-Jo's place to find out all the details of this little writing exercise that has a big group of people throwing caution to the wind every Friday.

Topic: Again

That feared and terrible gurgling in the belly. The one that lets the whole body know that something is awry. It ends plans and rearranges our lives to find us hunkered down at home disinfecting anything with a surface. I hate being sick, but once again here we are. I've fought off disease this winter with jars of indescribable substances and enough garlic to keep a Twilight movie from even playing in our DVD player. I thought I might just escape sickness unscathed. Silly me.

It only takes one churn of the stomach to make me feel utterly out of control. Its no secret that I like control and predictability and I hate feeling desperation to guard and protect though powerless. Its in the rocking chair rocking my thankfully still well wee one that I hear Him speak truth to my heart. I hear once again words that calm. I am faithful. I am in control. I will protect. Even if the worse happens I am still God. I still love abundantly more than you know.

Again, we're sick and again He calms my anxious heart. Again and again. Never angrily reminding with foot tapping that He is not to be questioned. Only ever patient and tender to come to our rescue again and again.


Five Minute Friday

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no. :( I am so so sorry. This winter has been vicious in the contagion department. I don't want to make light of your ailments and ick, but the garlic line was hilarious!! So glad you are feeling better and were able to write.


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