Friday, November 2, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Roots

I've been away from the screen. I'd like to say I've been "writ(ing) on lives..." as Ann Voskamp spoke at Allume last week, but unfortunately it has been more like "lying on couches...". I got a nasty stomach bug after returning home and I've been super dizzy- too dizzy to stare at a screen. I think I am past the worst of it, but it did cost me (and the wee one) a trip to the beach with the husband on business. I'm playing a bit of blogging catch-up, but I am squeezing in my 5 minutes. Last week all of the Five Minute Friday folks who were at Allume gathered together for a crazy live 5 minutes. I'm not so good writing in crowds, but listening to all the posts live was so amazingly beautiful, fun, inspiring...oh, it was glorious!

So here I am to write like nobody is looking...Check us out! 

Topic: Roots
Three weeks of non-stop have left me exhausted and road-weary. I've had a cold, turned laryngitis, turned stomach bug and I haven't been able to put pen to paper or fingers to screen in days because of the spinning in my head. The words seem stuck. The words seem lodged somewhere between heart and hands as if a cork were holding it all back. A dam waiting to burst. 

My heart waiting to burst and spill all the ugly or the ugly-beautiful...which is it?

Me, the rootless one. The one who has only ever been able to root herself right where she is. Thank you for choosing to be where I am. Thank you for being like Christ and choosing to be where I am even in the ugly.

We go out to dinner and celebrate seven years. Seven years rooted to one another.

I look into familiar eyes. I know that my heart is rooted wherever you are. That my roots are only as deep as the love we share. The love that God has given us, blessed us with, poured richly into us.

I've tugged at these roots at times. Tugged in the opposite direction of you. Pulled hard to hide myself from being known, loved, planted and thriving. But are patient...more than I am. You have tended my heart and I have blossomed back love and loyalty. These roots have spread and grown and stretched into our future. A tiny blossom of a girl sleeping, spreading her roots to the far corners of her crib down the hall.

We have rooted ourselves deep in love and in love we will tend this garden for as long as we are given it's care...rooting out thorns and weeds that threaten, planting hope, and reaping joy.


Five Minute Friday

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