Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Saying "Yes" to the Detours

There is a false belief that I often find myself embracing. It is the belief that if I make the right choices things will get easier and the questions will decrease. In my limited experience that is never true.

Three years ago I rolled my suitcase off of a plane in Raleigh, North Carolina, my hometown. I had the most imperceptible baby bump and my husband was 8,000 miles away in West Africa. Our plans to stay there together were cut short by a rocky first trimester and a severe lack of quality prenatal care- ironically enough an issue I was working on as a maternal health advisor.

My husband would follow me home in six weeks and then we would start the process of piecing our life in the States back together. No job. No savings. A baby on the way. Our hearts still on another continent.

Read the rest of the story... 

works for me wednesday at we are that family
I'm over the moon today to share with you the rest of the story over at Kristen Welch's online home better known to most of us as We Are THAT Family. I'm part of her Works For Me Wednesday:"Yes Works For Me" series.

If you haven't grabbed a copy of Kristen's book then do it. Rhinestone Jesus: Saying Yes to God When Sparkly, Safe Faith is No Longer Enough is the story of how God shook up her everyday comfortable faith and began a work that has healed and helped so many young women . It is not to be missed.

Photo Credit: Michael W. May via Compfight cc

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