Friday, April 25, 2014

When You Think You Don't Have A Story

My whole life I've met people through their stories.

I've learned and relearned my parents through stories told about them. The girl whose memories have faded into womanhood has a catalog of tales about her mama and daddy that are a pure gift to my heart. I remember and have told and retold stories from my great-grandmother of farming and nearly a century's worth of life lived.

Relationships happen in story.

These stories connect me to my past, tell me truths about my present and carve a path into my future.

My story isn't neat and tidy. It isn't a campfire sing along kind of thing. It is a story of loss and hurt and wondering if God had dropped the ball when He made me. Your story probably isn't neat and tidy either, but let me assure you that you have a story.

Some parts of our stories are so ugly that we don't want to look at them much less allow others to see the frayed edges of our broken life. It's in the broken pieces of the story that God's glory shines through. Little bits broken off so that the God of peace can piece it back together whole.

Can I just say one thing?

Jesus doesn't look away from the ugly parts of your story and I promise if you let me hear your story I will cup it gently like the fragile gift that it is. God hasn't lost a single piece of your story and in grace I won't either.

I've always been fascinated that God tells us about Himself through story. Jesus' whole life played out on the written page through story. 

Our story isn't our own. It's part of a larger masterpiece. A tale that puts War and Peace to shame with it's epic grandeur and thoughtful intricacy and a story only God can write. When you think you don't have a story know that your story isn't your own. It is part of something God-sized and I need to hear it.

{Do you have a story to share? The answer is "Yes". God is telling His story through our stories this weekend and we need your story. It isn't too late to join in the {FREE} (in) Real Life  conference this weekend.}

Photo Credit: Tc Morgan via Compfight cc

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