Friday, March 28, 2014

The Wonder of It All {Five Minute Friday + Some}

I'm all kinds of behind in blogging and life. All kinds. But I couldn't miss the opportunity to combine two of my favorite words "Mighty" and "Ordinary" for a bit of writing. There is so much amazingness going on in my two favorite online communities right now! Let me tell you a smidge of it!

First, Surprised by Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected About Being a Mom officially launches on Tuesday. Lisa-Jo our fearless Five Minute Friday leader just happens to be the author. Her words are a gift to all of us who have ever mama-ed. She is a cheerleader and champion and believes that we are all on the same team mothering our hearts out in the everyday wonder-filled ordinary. In short I adore her.

This is our chance to cheer her on. Let's show Amazon what we already know, "there is no such thing as just a mom". If you haven't already pre-ordered Surprised by Motherhood then go do it! Now!

Now for the other amazingness! Velvet Ashes is a place for women serving overseas to connect. Today we're opening up registration for our first ever Connection Groups. These groups are meant to provide a way for women serving on the field to find weekly face to face connection with others living their callings in similar areas. Read more and register! 

It's time to write. Finally. Thanks for sticking that out. But really? The amazingness? Here goes...
There is a sound that rises. A chorus of the broken. The sisters who can't carry a tune in a bucket carrying one another toward the Cross.

I told him last night as the evening dwindled that I knew I was weak- maybe the weakest I'd ever felt. He looked at me out of those brown eyes that have held me tight for nearly a decade and he told me the weakness was making me strong.

And I'm trying to get through each day's ordinary right now because our faith isn't giving us long range answers. It's only mounting and mounting with questions about place and calling and where the heck are we going to live in a month? Where? WHERE? Just someone tell me...please.

Tell me that all this ordinary faith that looks like so much weakness to me is leading us somewhere.

I sing it long and clear. That chorus, Paul's words, my mama always wanted to do in a round when we were riding in the car. "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, REJOICE!" Because weakness is mighty in the upside down Kingdom of joy choosing and hope clinging.

The song rises and rises and I sing it over my sister who is battling a body broken by cancer. I sing it over my sister who just doesn't know where they're headed either. I sing it in my ordinary as the spin cycle of life tosses me.

Because the greatest thing we can tell each other in our ordinary is that we are not forgotten. Our ordinary which seems so forgettable is beauty to behold. Grace soaked, dripping, and getting us all sloppy wet with the wonder of it all.

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