Friday, March 21, 2014

5 Minute Friday: Joy and Valley

It's been awhile. I'm here to string together words in this space. Five minutes of pure bravery and heart and two words- yes, I'm still tackling The Grove prompt from Velvet Ashes and joining with the 5 minute Friday community to write without thinking too much about whether it is right or not.

Join the Velvet Ashes community and the 5 Minute Friday crew for five minutes of brave.

I'm writing on "Joy" and "Valley"

Here it goes...

The two can go hand in hand. A broken busted world will tell you different. It will say you can't walk the depths and scale the heights at the same time, but God beckons us to come with Him and walk the tightrope of the impossible.

I know a few folks that are doing it. This mama, and this mama are amazing clingers to hope.

Dare I say that only in the valley do we find ourselves truly looking up?

I've always loved the layered color of field, trees and sky. The golden, green, purest blue palette is a masterpiece. You don't get the same affect from the mountain top. You don't get to see the artistry in the same way as you do from down below.

Sure the mountaintop offers stunning views, but it doesn't draw your eye up the way trudging through the mud and muck of the valley can.

We're all so afraid of walking in the valley. We're afraid of the hurt and the dark shadows and rightfully so. We were never made for lonesome walks in the dark. God made us to walk hand in hand with Himself in the brightest Spring sun.

I live between hills. The Blue Ridge rises on either side and I'm an adopted daughter of these hills. The mountains rise around me and I gaze up to their heights and thank God that He formed with His fingertips their stunning beauty. I'm grateful for the mountain tops that decorate my landscape, but it is in the valley where I find myself living.

The valley between is where real life is lived most of the time. Homes have surer foundations when built in the valley. Life paints a richer portrait when our perspective is from the valley.

There is joy to be found in the valley. God is found in the valley. He has never stopped looking for us since our silence to His call in the garden. He sent Jesus to the valley and it is there that He walks from tree to tree and cave to cave searching for His beloved.


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