Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 31: Extraordinary Ordinary

There is more extraordinary in our lives than ordinary if we have eyes to see.

I suppose that really is the point of this whole exercise. It is a way to peel back to scales on our eyes to see the beauty in all the nooks and crannies of life.

I need new eyes to see my daily routine. I need a new paintbrush and perspective from which to see the art in the everyday, both the art God is making and the art that we are making.

I hope that you have glimpsed your life in a new way. Don't see the mess, see the life lived real and full. If you feel like you are living under a weight of ordinary then shake it off. It is really just a lie.

Go outside. Look up at the night sky. Breathe in the autumn air. Recapture wonder then come back inside and flip the idea of laundry piles and dust bunnies on their head by seeing them as a gift.

Real life lived well and full is messy and beautiful and brimming with extraordinary, more extraordinary than ordinary on any given day.

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