Thursday, October 24, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Together

I'm LIVE from Allume with a few of my favorite wild and wonderful, bold and brave bloggers.

So here we go...

My 5 minutes on "Together"

Because He said that where two or more gather there He is and I can feel Him here. I can feel Him here in the midst of women who let their hair down and let their hearts hold heavy the joy of being together.

We are all together seeking peace and joy and the river that flows free and full from His Spirit.

A friend of mine said not long ago that in this world of media madness that we claim that we are so much more isolated. We spin like planets around each other. We're silent to the sister on the playground with the toddler or the other mama in the grocery store. We claim that we don't have community when maybe, just maybe, that lack is because of our lack of reach.

I don't mean blog reach. I mean arms empty to be filled with real life reach. 

We're afraid if we reach out that we won't find a heart and hand open extended to us.

But two arms were laid open, broken and bare on a cross and He beckons us arms wide open. And those arms are big enough for all.

We are better together. We are planets circling the sun and it is the Son, Jesus that is our gravity holding us in orbit. All together spinning to the rhythm of grace.

Five Minute Friday

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