Friday, October 18, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Laundry

I can hardly believe it! In one week I will be live partying with the Five Minute Friday crew! But before that we've got some writing to do!

{Join us on Thursday evenings on twitter before the prompt goes live to talk all things chocolate, life and randomness. #fmfparty}

In case you don't know what this is...Hop on over to Lisa-Jo's and read more, but the basics are write for five minutes while throwing caution to the wind. No overthinking. No massive backspacing. Just write and forget about trying to make it just right.

My 5 minutes on "Laundry"

I believe that our laundry tells a story. A story of the extraordinary seemingly ordinary that is life for most of us.

Some of us feel buried underneath loads of laundry and the same routine spinning like a top week after week.  We're buried under laundry and we bury our feelings. Feelings of loneliness and and this-isn't-what-I-signed-up-for-ness can intensify the pressure.

You are not your laundry pile. Your life is more than dirty unmentionables.

We're always equating our worth and worthiness to our performance, but the stop keeps spinning doesn't it and all this perfect life chasing gets us no where.

What if we aired our unmentionables to each other? What if we felt that our insecurities and frailties were worth mentioning because they might just free us to live full and side by side?

What if we said the truth about motherhood?

That motherhood is glorious in the moments, but an unbelievably hard story arc to live with joy and grace every day. 

The laundry will be there and there is no need to shove it in the closet or load it unsorted into the drier so that I don't see it. Some days I need your laundry piles and your dishes precariously balanced in the sink to be as tall as my own.

Five Minute Friday

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