Thursday, September 5, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Red

A short week means that 5 minute Friday gets here even quicker! I love taking 5 minutes out of my week to just let my fingers loose on the keyboard. No wondering about if it says it just write. Only 5 minutes and then PUBLISH! Lisa-Jo provides the prompt and we just take off with it. Join us! 

Oh and another reason to join? On Thursday nights the 5 minute Friday folks all jibber jabber away on twitter about nutella, 90s music {don't make me rap again}, 80s movies, and the highs and lows of life. Add #fmfparty to your tweets to find us hanging out round about 10:00pm EST on until the prompt goes live at midnight. {I'm rarely there past 11:00pm- confessedly not a night owl}

My 5 minutes on "Red"

The snapdragons peak through the weeds and a little red wagon wears the dust of too many summer days abused. I've snapped a million pictures between phone and the way-nicer-than-I-need camera. I've tried to capture the fleeting all through the wild and free months of the year.

Her cheeks are rosy red and her eyes dance and dart from the neighbor dog to her daddy. We the three musketeers living beneath a red tin roof not our own. This summer, this season, it has been a hot pressure cooker of faith.

Some days I swear the sun beating down on that tin roof of ours was setting my soul aflame with fear.

But God gave the same Spirit to me as He did to the Acts church with tongues red-hot afire.

It is the same Spirit I pray comes to dwell full and free in my daughter. One that washes away fear and replaces it with grace to love and boldness to speak. A Spirit that sets feet free to run through Indian Summer and to the ends of the earth for the weak, the poor, the Good News hungry.

Sunlight fades earlier and earlier and I can already feel the darkness of winter pressing on my chest. It is in the last of the summer light that I store up faith. Faith that no darkness is too dark that God can't see and He sees me by the Light of Jesus.

Five Minute Friday

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