That little girl with the tiny hands flung joyful, the wee lass on the right of the picture- she is pure beauty in evening summer sun.
We had driven the town over to shop at the discount grocery store. Little did I realize that they also discount the time the store is open and we arrived 15 minutes too late. All I wanted to do was save a few dollars. Now all I had managed to do was waste gas. All the wee girl wanted to do was get out of the car. Disappointed we all piled back into the car.
Plan B meant a trip to the park. The park with the enormous splash pad.
She saw the waterworks immediately and bee lined for all of it's summer glory. Squeals of joy and peels of laughter lit up the dusk like fireworks. The girl who jumps in feet first to everything and the mama who prays daily for the grace to let her.
Sometimes the best laid plans deserve a change of plans and our willingness to splash around in the unexpected joy.
I am joining my sweet friend, Crystal Stine, for her Behind the Scenes link-up today to let you in on the stories behind the glossy 4x6.