Friday, February 1, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Afraid

It only takes five minutes of bravery to do something amazing. A whole slew of us test this theory on Fridays with five minutes of unbridled writing. We write like there is no one looking and we hit publish without even a sideways glance at the syntax. Join our little clan and write your own or just peruse the amazing writers that link up each week for a wee bit of courage squeezed into five minutes.

Topic: Afraid

I sleep with the bathroom light on whenever he is away. This fear of the dark is a hold over from when I was small...a fear that grabs me when I feel small, powerless, afraid. I've never liked not being able to see what was out ahead or the hand in front of my face. I've always wanted a beacon to light my way even if it is just he very next step and even if it is a candle flicker. I flip off the t.v. because it is late and the news is on and none of it is good. This world can make us fearful in a thousand ways. The darkness can close in quick. They say if you stay in the dark too long it will make you go blind. I want light.

I want to keep my sight in a dark world.

I snuggle under covers and take solace in clean sheets, a sleeping babe and a door's glow. I find hope in prayer. Hope that the light can peak around the corners of life. Hope that the darkness that leaves me eye strained is not really dark to the One who is all light in whom there is no shadow.

He is El Roi the God who sees and all is light and He sees all, even me.


Five Minute Friday

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