Monday, December 17, 2012

What a Little Really Can Do

I sat down on a rainy Sunday. The day that we pull blankets up over the head after church and cuddle down for a long winters nap. I pulled up the page and I broke the bank open for the least of these. It wasn't much. I won't pretend. Our finances are stressed, buckling and bowing under the weight of bills and the unexpected costs of life. I know many of you understand.

What I think many of us miss is that our little can really do much. Take a moment. Calculate the total cost of all the gifts peaking out from under the tree. Is it more than $10? Is it more than $100? Is it more than $1000? I'm not making any judgments. I love when people give freely to those they love. I love giving big. It is a genetic trait I think.

You might think that to make a difference with your gift you have to give big, but that just isn't true. Did you know that for a gift of $20 you can get parasite medication to five children? Maybe you don't think that is a big deal, but let me just say...It is. When we lived in Liberia we saw bulging, hungry bellies. Bellies filled not with food, but with worms and so so so empty. A child who is suffering malnutrition has even less of a chance when their bodies are ravaged by parasites.You can be a blessing to five children and provide medicine that can change their lives and help them not just survive, but to thrive with the help of Compassion International.

Five children for $20.

What about $10 for seeds for a family? This gift just keeps on giving. Your gift will grow into food that can nourish a family, a community, and can bring a bit of income to the poorest of poor. If you are thankful for every sweet potato casserole and every pumpkin pie on you holiday table then crack the wallet and provide a feast for a family that is served by Compassion.

A garden of seeds for $10. 

I am asking for my readers to give $100 worth of gifts. Just $100 between all of you that read these ramblings. Share a comment about what gift you chose to give or shout it out loud on my brand new facebook page. Could we give $100? Maybe even dare to give $1000? Break your bank, big or small, for the least among us. Does Aunt Rita really need those new clip on earrings? Wouldn't she rather have a goat given in her honor to a kid in Rwanda?

*Disclaimer: I receive nothing in return for promoting the work of Compassion International and asking you to donate to their catalog campaign. I simply believe in the Gospel and the ministry of mercy and I trust Compassion's work among the world's poorest. 

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