Monday, October 20, 2014

For Those of You Who Don't Think You're Creative

She layers paint and squirts glitter glue and I look at her sideways to see her grin. She is creating. She probably won't be the next Matisse, but in this moment with her face streaked every shade of paint on her palette one thing is evident; she is an artist. 

I found the term "chasing light" one day when I was googling how to take better photos. I'm a notoriously terrible photographer with aspirations of greatness- even if it is only taking photos of my kids or random shots of stuff around my house for blog post.

All the great photographers know how to catch light in their frames. Their shots are pure reflection of the light surrounding their subjects. Ansel Adams black and whites stun us because even in their monochromatic scheme we see light changing and shifting. It is beauty undeniable.

My gift is not fine art. I can draw a solid stick figure but that is about it. My mom wouldn't let me take dance so my both my feet are still lefties. I love to craft, but I am far from a perfectionist and that comes out in my failed attempts at most pinteresty projects.

Some of you are reading this and you're thinking you aren't creative. You are thinking you see the world in black and whites without a whole lot of variation. I would argue your art is your passion not your ability in any given thing.

We have this amazing creator God who fashioned us from dust, seeing the potential in the most base things. I am certain that there is something in your life that makes you come alive and our gifts vary from teaching children to engineering jet planes to stirring a pot of soup. We are creators begot by the Creator and we see life in a million different places unique to each one of us. 

We invite the Light of God into our lives when we explore things that awaken us to His creative hand in our lives. We're creative beings not because we made a crazy hard wreath we pinned or built our house using entirely recycled barn wood.

We're creative beings because our Maker possesses unlimited creativity. 

My sweet little girl is an artist not because she has potential to attend the Art Institute of Chicago, but because the image of God, in all His wondrous creativity, is imprinted on her very soul.

{In case you missed the GIVEAWAY of  a signed copy of Emily P. Freeman's A Million Little Ways from yesterday click back over and leave a comment about what makes you come alive. I'll choose a winner on Friday!}


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