Monday, October 28, 2013

Fear Worship

No matter how our babies come to our arms we know from the moment that they get there that we are supposed to protect them. We feel it down deep and the mama bear begins to grow and growl within us. There is nothing that we wouldn't do or weapon we wouldn't wield to protect our babies from harm.

Fear is the reaction to the realization that we aren't in control. 

Fear makes us think that we are protecting those we love. We bathe them in worry. We hold them back from potential harm. We do the best we can to protect them from anything and everything and that is right and good. We are warrior mamas. Fighting for the lives of our children everyday.

The problem is that we can take our God given responsibility as mothers to raise and protect and make it an idol in our lives.

When motherhood is an idol in our life fear will be our act of worship.
We will think that we are justified in every little worry and frightful thought.
We will mama scared. 

The Gospel calls us to more. Jesus, His life, death and resurrection so that we might have hope and live redeemed and hope-full lives calls us to more.

He calls us to more life and less fear. 

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts our fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and  whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
1 John 4:18

Scripture tells us that if we fear then we have not been perfected in love. That doesn't mean that we are to be perfect. This life will be far from that, but knowing the perfect one, Jesus, means that we can know love and live fearless. Bottom line is that Jesus worship, knowing Him, walking with Him, that is the way to end fear worship.

It is the knowledge of God, and relationship with Jesus that can unlock that door that holds us bound to fear. There isn't any secret way out of the fear struggle, especially not when it comes to the babies that we love so much. At every stage of motherhood this battle with fear will rebirth itself in a different form.

There is only one thing we need to know.

God never changes and knowing Him and the Gospel of new life in Christ, knowing it truly and deeply, will create a rock hard foundation that cannot be shaken by fear.

{How do you find yourself giving into fear? How do you combat your fear? Are you trying in your own strength or are you leaning into God and the truth of His Word and THE Word, Jesus? Take some time to write down some of the attributes of God and think about how that truth about who God is and our freedom, in Christ, from fear can help you in the battle.}

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